Counting Friends and Years
Thanks to all of you who have sent birthday wishes—by phone, email, and every app known to humankind. It’s a reminder that birthdays aren’t just for counting years; they’re for counting friends. And really, what greater blessing do we get to enjoy than the friends who make life richer? So, thank you for being one of mine.
Today, on my 86th birthday, I discovered just how long I can expect to stick around. According to one online calculator that took into account my weight, diet, cholesterol, and family medical history, I’ve got exactly 6.89 more years. I appreciate the precision, so I do want to warn you not to expect any messages from me after November 26, 2031.
Let me not sound morbid, but I do have a personal obituary tucked away somewhere in case you’re at a loss for words when the time comes.
But enough of that. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that while strength, balance, and memory may fade, the years somehow keep getting happier as we roll along. The joy and the memories we cherish have much do with the friendships we’ve made along the way. Thank you, then, for the wonderful ride.
And don’t worry—I’ll be checking in for another six years, ten months, and 26 days!