Looking for FSM & RMI Communities in the US
FSM and the Republic of the Marshalls are gearing up for a survey of migrants in the US and its territories (meaning Guam and CNMI). This is going to be important for people from FSM and RMI if they hope to retain the rights to open migration that was guaranteed in the Compact.? Recently, as you know, there has been some concern in Washington about the burden that migrants from the islands have been placing on some of the states and territories?especially Guam, Hawaii and Arkansas.
I have been asked to help gather contact information for as many Micronesians living here in the US as possible.? After all, FSM and RMI can?t conduct a survey if those doing the survey don?t know how to reach people.? The governments have some information on some of those living in the US, but they need a lot more.? I?ve promised to help them collect this for the survey.? If, for some reason, you want us to keep this information confidential, we?ll do that, but we ask you to help us out.
What do we need?? We know of the small towns in which islanders are living now, but we don?t know them all.? I was recently surprised to find out that North Carolina has dozens of Outer Island Yapese and some Chuukese living there.? A couple hundred attended a July 4th party this past summer.? Who knows where all else we might be able to find Micronesians?
We?d like names and some basic contact information for you and those who are living around you.? Some information is good, but more is even better.? The type of contact information could be an email address or a phone number or even a Facebook page.? If you want me to keep this confidential I will, but the information will certainly help in finding out how many and who we are throughout the country.
You can reach me, Fr. Fran Hezel, through email (fxhezel@micsem.org) or on this weblog or by phone (646-258-1763).? Thanks in advance for your help.