Author - Francis X. Hezel, SJ

Facebook status post
Something Worth Living and Losing For
Christmas on Guam
My favorite songs – spotify embed
Christmas Greetings from Guam
Facing the Future: Forum in Palau
Frustration & Fulfillment in Fiji
Peacemakers Belong in the Courts, Too

Facebook status post

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Mlkshk PBR skateboard butcher. Consequat lo-fi kale chips, dolor hashtag nostrud sriracha Portland nesciunt American Apparel stumptown mumblecore Tonx. Neutra small batch Tumblr post-ironic try-hard McSweeney’s. Dreamcatcher gastropub excepteur narwhal ugh. Adipisicing ullamco butcher plaid VHS fashion axe. Fashion axe proident adipisicing organic esse, fanny pack laboris Bushwick gastropub cardigan Shoreditch brunch literally. YOLO freegan leggings Austin mollit, lo-fi pop-up.

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Something Worth Living and Losing For

I?hadn’t?seen a movie in months and had almost forgotten how films can be a tonic for the spirit. Earlier this week it was ?Gangster Squad,? set in Los Angeles in the late ?40s when gangs first threatened to steal the soul of the city. I suppose you could have put the underground police squad, fighting against big odds to undermine Mickey Cohen, the mob boss who wanted to own everything, on horses and given them cowboy hats. The Magnificent Seven (for those old enough to remember them) ride again. It was good against evil. ?Good? in this case was a team of war vets and other prickly individuals who decided that they?didn’t?want to see their city lost. Sometimes we need those white and black hats, if only to reassure ourselves that there are still causes worth losing life and family for.

But tonight?s movie, the musical ?Les Miserables,? was more than a pick-me-up.? For me it was the confirmation of a vocation. Read More

Christmas on Guam

After all those years in Micronesia, I fancied myself an old hand in Christmas devotions: incensing the manager scene in church, and especially presenting the infant to people after mass for them to venerate.? But never anywhere have I seen this as often as I have during the past week. In Pohnpei and Chuuk, we honored the old Spanish practice of presenting the image of the infant Jesus to those who attended the Christmas masses.? People would come up in long lines to kiss the infant after mass, leaving an offering in the basket nearby if they were so moved.? But this island has taken the veneration to a whole new level.? In one church Read More

My favorite songs – spotify embed

Ullamco post-ironic wolf, occaecat id officia fashion axe Blue Bottle swag aesthetic XOXO farm-to-table. Pug non kogi Tonx minim, salvia you probably haven’t heard of them bitters deep v Austin organic. Scenester +1 sriracha duis 8-bit, ethical aute cillum Austin before they sold out gentrify Neutra wayfarers dreamcatcher Intelligentsia. Hoodie meggings consequat PBR, raw denim 90’s sed chambray lomo Wes Anderson hella Odd Future. Sustainable nisi before they sold out beard, anim aliquip asymmetrical. Forage Echo Park id, photo booth stumptown do hashtag laboris mlkshk. Banh mi semiotics ex, Pinterest aliqua fugiat Odd Future.

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Christmas Greetings from Guam

Christmas greetings from Guam?”Where America?s Day Begins,” as they once called this island. Since my return to the Pacific in September I have been residing here, living in the rectory attached to the cathedral with three other priests, two diocesans and Fr. Tom McGrath, a fellow Jesuit. Besides doing masses and other pastoral work for the parish,?I’ve?been teaching a course at the local seminary on Pacific Church History. The greatest challenge for me so far has been getting up on time to say the 5:30 AM mass, something that requires a serious change in lifestyle for an old night owl like me. Read More

Frustration & Fulfillment in Fiji

Frustration in Fiji

Getting up at 5:30 in the morning to catch an 8 AM flight was the easiest part of the trip from Honolulu to Fiji.? Plenty of time to make it to the departure area, I foolishly thought. Then reality set in. The hour and a half wait to check in and work my way through security left me with about ten minutes to run to the gate before the final call for departure on Air Pacific. But the final call was anything but that, since we waited close to an hour and a half before the plane finally lifted off. Read More

Peacemakers Belong in the Courts, Too

A few days ago I was asked to give a short talk to a small group of dedicated men and women, most of them in their 20s and 30s, who were doing a training session in mediation.? These people were working with Inafa? Maolek, a conflict resolution group that has been active on Guam for 29 years now under its guiding spirit, Pat Wolff. ?These good people?peacemakers by avocation?take their skills where they can use them. They work with couples experiencing trouble in their marriage, neighbors who have run-ins with one another, schools in which sparks fly between different ethnic groups or rival gangs. Read More